Official firmware #268911 for SM-F700F - SAMSUNGGalaxy Z Flip
Download the latest firmware update for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, but don’t forget to check whether the model number of your smartphone corresponds to the indicated one SM-F700F. The firmware code is XEV from VIETNAM. The product comes with PDA version F700FXXS8EUI2, CSC version F700FOXM8EUI2, MODEM version F700FXXS8EUI2. The operating system version of the given firmware is Android R 11. Full tutorial how to flash stock firmware on Samsung devices here
- File name SM-F700F_1_20211005095035_pt6zi945pg_fac
- Firmware type 4 files
- File size 5.85 GiB
- Model Samsung SM-F700F
- Operating system Android R 11
- PDA/AP Version F700FXXS8EUI2
- CSC Version F700FOXM8EUI2
- MODEM/CP Version F700FXXS8EUI2
- Australia (XSA)
- Unknown (ILP)
- Uruguay (UYO)
- Paraguay (UPO)
- Tunisia (TUN)
- Guatemala (GTO)
- Bangladesh (BNG)
- Morocco (MWD)
- Ecuador (EON)
- Sri Lanka (SLK)
- Colombia (COO)
- Taiwan (BRI)
- New Zealand (XNZ)
- Libya (BTC)
- Bolivia (BVO)
- Peru (PEO)
- Chile (CHO)
- Argentina (ARO)
- Singapore (XSP)
- Ukraine (SEK)
- Ghana (ACR)
- Kenya (AFR)
- Senegal (DKR)
- Nigeria (ECT)
- Egypt (EGY)
- Saudi Arabia (KSA)
- Pakistan (PAK)
- Unknown (NEE)
- Unknown (SEB)
- South Africa (XFA)
- Panama (TPA)
- Italy (ITV)
- Switzerland (AUT)
- France (XEF)
- Germany (DBT)
- Spain (PHE)
- United Kingdom (BTU)
- Hungary (XEH)
- Unknown (SEE)
- Greece (EUR)
- Slovenia (SIO)
- Russian Federation (SER)
- Romania (ROM)
- Bulgaria (BGL)
- Netherlands (PHN)
- Luxemburg (LUX)
- Slovakia (ORX)
- Philippines (XTC)
- Malaysia (XME)
- Thailand (MYM)
- Thailand (CAM)
- Thailand (THL)
- United Arab Emirates (XSG)
- Kazakhstan (SKZ)
- Israel (ILO)
- India (INU)
- Portugal (TPH)
- Austria (ATO)
- Czech Republic (XEZ)
- Turkey (TUR)
- Mexico (MXO)
- Poland (XEO)
- Brazil (ZTO)
- Hong Kong (TGY)
- Description Beeline VN, VN Mobifone, Vinaphone, Vietnamobile, EVN Telecom 3G, Viettel
- Hash 0f8fdf6ae04f82d57daf4627d48ef8c3
2.Press to download
Just a moment...
- Download to your PC: Odin 3 latest version.
- Next extract the firmware file.
- You should get 1 (if 1 file, choose it here) or 5 (if 5 file, choose it here) file:
- AP: "System & Recovery"
- CP: "Modem & Radio"
- CSC_***: "Country & Region & Operator"
- HOME_CSC_***: "Country & Region & Operator"
- Add all files to Odin 3.
- If you want to do a clean flash, use CSC_*** either use HOME_CSC_*** to keep your data and apps.
- Now turn off your phone and enter the Download mode. How to do all methods:
- Press and hold the Power key , the Volume UP button and the Bixby key.
- Press and hold the Volume Up and Down keys and then connect a USB cable.
- Press and hold the Power key ,the Volume down button and the Home key.
- Connect a USB cable, then press and hold the Bixby button and the Volume down key.
- Press and hold the Power key and the Volume UP button.
- Then connect your device to PC, Odin should detect your phone and COM port number will appear on the screen.
- Please specify only the F.Reset time and Auto-Reboot.
- Finally press the Start key. Your phone will now restart and disconnect from the PC.
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